I offer professional first aid training all over Denmark
It saves lives
I make sure you will be able to help and call emergency services in the event of an accident. In a cardiac arrest, chance of survival decreases every minute without CPR, which is why first aid and hands-on training are crucial.
It’s simple
Stress and insecurity harms your performance! We’ll train and practice the main points of first aid and the ABC’s so that with a few simple skills you can save someone’s life while staying safe.
It’s safe
I always arrive well in advance, and I bring everything needed. I teach based on the latest guidelines from the European Resuscitation Council, and I am an approved instructor via the Danish First Aid Council.
It’s fun
Even though the topic is serious! I always focus on practice and repetition in my first aid classes – and there’s room for being serious and having fun at the same time; so that things are remembered.
I’ll come to you with everything needed.
First aid needs to be remembered and applied in the real world, so you need to try things out yourself. I always bring equipment with me, so you practice in pairs on CPR manikins, training-defibrillators, Anti Choking Trainers and much more – and depending on the focus of the training, we’ll use adult or child and baby manikins.
If we train first aid for life-threatening bleeding, you’ll work with bandages, triangular scarves, CAT tourniquets and also improvised means such as clothing. You need to do things – and it needs to make sense!
“Wow! You’ve brought a lot of stuff…” I sometimes hear. But when the first aid course is finished, the participants are happy and excited about all the things they can do, because they have now trained them in practice. It gives you confidence!

Here you can see the popular courses that many are choosing right now:
Find your first aid certificate
You will receive an email from the certification system with a link and instructions. Check your inbox (and any spam/junk mail) immediately after the course. If you have any problems, contact your instructor.
A brief demo of your defibrillator
Far too many have a defibrillator (AED) that they are uncertain how to use, which costs vital time and reduces chance of survival. If you need a short demo of your defibrillator, please feel free to contact me.
Does cough CPR work?
Coughing cannot prevent or treat a cardiac arrest. Many people have heard of using “cough CPR”, because the idea is being spread and kept alive in different versions on social media. But sadly, it doesn’t work!